DayBreak Magazine 2

February 19, 2010

December @outshine prose poems—Inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 8:15 pm

December 2:

The jay didn’t smile as he stole the seed.
The woman didn’t perceive his grief until she had cast the stone.
Her regret would heal the rift.

[Bio] Jodi: I don’t know who she is except lost in her thoughts and found in her writing.

December 9:

He became an artist, sculpting electron shells into elements across the periodic table, converting concrete suburbs to jeweled dreamscapes.

[Bio] @MattAlbertson is a Seattle geek who enjoys splicing his fiction with cutting edge technology. .

December 16:

Over his brutish shoulder I got a glimpse of her tortured face as he hauled Liberty into the darkness. “I’ll be back,” she mouthed to me.

[Bio] Susan is a freelance writer and children’s playwright from upstate New York.

December 23:

quaking aspen:
myriad blinking eyes
witness the dawn

[Bio] When she’s not chasing her kids or writing about science, Julie Bloss Kelsey enjoys staring at trees. Visit her online @MamaJoules .

December 30:

Taking recycled cargo boxes through clouds
up the well-worn space elevator’s heights
foam swords, deodorant, and I grow warm.

[Bio] K.M. Praschak writes & sometimes looks up at .

February 5, 2010

November @outshine prose poems—Inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 3:29 pm

November 4:

The immigrants come, weary, uncertain of their welcome
people make room for them
the immigrants’ culture infuses their own with new spice.

[Bio] Daniel Ausema’s a stay-at-home dad whose stories and poems have appeared in many places. Find him at .

November 11:

She wakes to the gentle vibration of the roof changing angle to catch the sun, to the smell of hands-free cappuccino, to a doable Monday.

[Bio] Ben White edits @nanoism and writes @midnightstories.

November 18:

Avatar children gliding like thistle in the electron sky. A garden replenished by their light hands.

[Bio] Deborah Walker thinks: least said, soonest mended.

November 25:

Don Quixote settled beside me on the verdant green and stared down the turbines: powerful, energetic. “Even giants are good for something.”

[Bio] J. inputs data by day and rocks AbiWord by night. She digs linguistics, design, and illustration. Mailto here: .

January 29, 2010

October @outshine prose poems—Inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 11:52 pm

October 7:

People-faces are scary, but eKitty is simple, safe. Joe pets it and giggles. Stroking him back via the remote, his mother meows with joy.

[Bio] Finale believes happiness is a choice.

October 14:

Trillions of nanoparticles cross the blood-brain barrier, each pairing off with a brain cell. They perform a truly modern dance—science.

[Bio] @MattAlbertson is a Seattle geek who enjoys splicing his fiction with cutting edge technology. .

October 21:

Optimized and burned clean,
our nightmares you learn.
Holograms able to love
are your successors.

~The Cosmist Worm

[Bio] James Dye — @JamesJDye — is a writer and college student from Dubuque Iowa.

October 28:

dry earth holds wee tracks
lightly they imprint the earth
quail, raccoon, skunk, thrush.

[Bio] Jodi: I don’t know who she is except lost in her thoughts and found in her writing.

January 22, 2010

September @outshine prose poems—Inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 7:26 pm

September 2:

She turns slowly
Eyes opening like spring iris.
He breathes her essence.
Like a breeze her fingertips on his.
They leave hand in hand.

[Bio] Kate ( works/plays in all areas of theatre, arts & healthcare, with horses and as a spiritual guide.

September 9:

Cries weak, yet eager with life.
First moments afloat, echoing the blue globe.
Voice rising in strength, he christens the vastness of space.

[Bio] Marie Croke’s brain resides in her little toe. As she walks it rattles around and around, occasionally spitting out something profound.

September 16:

black sea and sky.
ships: sailing white, leave the flood plain.
safest harbor: needing none.
clustering lights, another long dusk.

[Bio] Andy Kelly @a_m_kelly lives in a room full of books, mostly unread.

September 23:

They died, each species, one by one. Cats then owls; owls then ants. They died.
But now look.
They rise, each species, one by one. They rise.

[Bio] Penelope Friday — .

September 30:

No money, no problem. Without scarcity, need is a pipe dream; we work because we want to. My music, your novel—only fodder for dreams.

[Bio] Ben White — — is the editor of @nanoism and writer of @midnightstories. He needs a few more hours of moonlight.

January 15, 2010

August @outshine prose poems—Inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 12:46 pm

July 29 (OK, not August: I screwed up):

The surgeon embeds artificial nerves in her prosthetic hand. She can feel a handshake, a fire burning, the color of rain.

[Bio] Carma has been reading/writing science fiction & fantasy for (mumble, mumble) years. Her writing group’s website: .

August 5:

The moon rises, white and full. I stand by the red tomatoes on top of our home and wave. Mom promised to look down.

[Bio] Brenda is a futurist, writer, and tech geek from the Pacific Northwest in the USA.

August 12:

The Lunarcade! For shiny full-moon quarters you remote-drive lunar rovers. Can you master 1.28 second delay? Tag lunar ore, get high score.

[Bio] Chris Willrich is a writer and children’s librarian, and lives with his family in the San Francisco Bay Area.

August 19: pleased to proclaim: ads on cyber cash so successful taxes repealed; find new product placement opportunities on virtual bills!

[Bio] Crass, evil marketer by day, Jason Stoddard still sees the beautiful roadsigns of tomorrow. .

August 26:

Thirty storeys down, the city bustled. Thirty thousand feet up, the
wind farms bucked and swooped. Between them, Tom smiled and ate lunch.

[Bio] Alasdair Stuart is a writer, journalist and host of the podcast Pseudopod. He can be found online at: .

December 31, 2009

July @outshine prose poems—Inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 7:12 pm

July 1:

Victory: I did it. The vaccine that will prevent AIDS. No one will ever have to watch someone die like that. Like Marie. My Marie. Like me.

[Bio] Mark Best has had short fiction published in various genres. Complete list at .

July 8:

So brave, so nervous. Both of them. Hand in hand, no gloves and no special suits. An unlocked hatch, a step outside. Truth: Earth survided.

[Bio] Jacques Barcia is a weird fiction writer from Brazil who’s waiting for the climate to change back to normal.

July 15:

A woman grafts a miniature, nano-engineered breed of fruit trees to people’s skin. Orchards travel the world and seed onto garbage heaps.

[Bio] Alex Dally MacFarlane ( wants a cheek-tree. Find her work in LCRW, Electric Velocipede and, soon, Clarkesworld.

July 22:

An accident, the combine ate the farmer’s arm. An invention, the pharm’s bio-lattice grew him another. Come harvest, the farmer gave thanks.

[Bio] William T. Vandemark chases storms, photographs weather vanes, and writes speculative fiction. .

July 29:

The surgeon embeds artificial nerves in her prosthetic hand. She can feel a handshake, a fire burning, the color of rain.

[Bio] Carma has been reading/writing science fiction & fantasy for (mumble, mumble) years. Her writing group’s website: .

December 25, 2009

June @outshine prose poems—Inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 10:22 pm

June 3:

Met bureau reports: blue skies are gonna cheer us

rain in catchment areas


they’re doing something about the weather.

[Bio] Amanda is a Melbourne-based writer and poet. She is a graduate/survivor of Clarion South 2009. Website .

June 10:

Silent, drafted blind worms burrow

Decomposing, circles closing

Garbage eating, circles meeting

Biocrafted Ouroboros.

[Bio] Rajan Khanna writes about beer and wine in addition to fiction. You can follow him @rajanyk or .

June 17:

She spoke for the first time. Roses fell from her lips. Pearls. Her body turned into luminescence and butterflies. It surprised no one.

[Bio] Mercedes M. Yardley loves beautiful things: .

June 24:

Footfalls, sunlight, waves, wind, and heat—we used it all. But it wasn’t until we used life itself that balance returned to the planet.

[Bio] Ben White doesn’t have enough hours in the day, not even close:

December 11, 2009

May @outshine prose poems—inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 11:07 pm

May 6:

Lament of the Amoeboid Eremite: Quivering prophase

—Such lust cleaves our devotion!—

My mitotic sin..

[Bio] Nancy Chenier switches continents at random. In Japan now, but more permanence can be found at .

May 13:

The enzymes dissolve the bark of my memories. I marvel at the clean, pale wood of my mind. I am born again.

[Bio] Deborah Walker can often be found in the British Museum, nicking ideas from ancient cultures .

May 20:

WhiteI emancipated my robot when she told an elaborate lie. I realized then, that she’d developed a mind’s eye.

[Bio] Ken Edgett is a Mars geologist and author. See: .

May 27:

Surgeon airships, new angels, visit lonely clearings and conjure health from chaos, creating smiles from pain—the alchemy of medicine.

[Bio] Ben White: Medical student & sometimes writer, basking in the near constant warmth of San Antonio, TX and online @

November 26, 2009

April @outshine prose poems—inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 5:31 pm

April 1:

Above the rioters’ ruinous flames, a holoPhoenix shone. Hope rose like Holy Fire. The Rocking Raven Brigade beat chaos and despair.

[Bio] MD,writer, co-editor in French SF mag GALAXIES. Spends too much time dreaming and her house is always a mess. .

April 8:

My avatars, luminous with data, press close, keen. A tap: we skim the zombie bots, dodge in, & deploy anti-viral mines; undead dust cloud.

[Bio] Maura McHugh lives in South Galway, Ireland, writes weird, loves technology, but loathes zombie botnets. .

April 15:

Dancer divine

Tripping the rift

of dimensions

of distant days

brimming with light

She steps on stars

and drops to earth

and dances dreams.

[Bio] Ash M.B. has a B.A. in English, is a professional Polynesian dancer, a kung fu fighter, and writer. .

April 22:

A pastel blue bloom, close enough to cup in my hands. The quiet white petals I remember; vivid leaves. Home is near; as are you, at last.

[Bio] Stephanie Campisi is a writer of the weird and wonderful. Find her at

April 29:

Were people really so – alone, granpa?

disbelief in her deep brown eyes

Yes, dear, said I

Old friends laughing in the back of my mind.

[Bio] David Heijl lives in Belgium; juggles children, day job and night-time writerly ambitions but hasn’t dropped anything so far.

November 13, 2009

March @outshine prose poems—inspiring

Filed under: inspiring, Outshine — Tags: , — shineanthology @ 3:58 am

March 4:

Thoughts like gladiators

in the arena of time,

Fight to create the new paradigm

Thumbs down it will suck,

Thumbs up it will SHINE.

[Bio] Inspring author, aspiring Bohemian, babyboomer, rock chick raver, laughing babushka .

March 11:

She dissipated the past. Footsteps walking reclaimed beaches. Grinned as seagulls abandoned all worship of trash to instead hunt fish.

[Bio] Jason Sanford writes SF/F. His fiction and essays can be found at .

March 18:

Weapon factories filled with silence/withdrawal of desert violence/defense funds poured into education/brought a golden age to our nation.

[Bio] R. Schuyler Devin: a writer who prefers to walk halls of his own imagining rather than the dark alleys of his past. Join him @rsdevin .

March 25:

He opened his onyx eyes, and I knew I would fight every xenophobe on Earth for the joy of holding my hybrid alien son.

[Bio] Amanda Davis sings along with the radio even when she doesn’t know the words. She blogs at .

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